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Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Battle Against Public Broadcasting

Sarah Palin said while discussing the issue on Fox News: "NPR, National Endowment for the Arts, National Endowment for the Humanities, all those kind of 'frivolous' [quotes and bold bloggers editing] things that government shouldn't be in the business of funding with tax dollars — those should all be on the chopping block as we talk about the $14-trillion debt that we're going to hand to our kids and our grandkids ... Yes, those are the type of things that for more than one reason need to be cut."

Yes. Those are the types of things that need to be cut. Like the influence of the Billionaire Kock Brothers who are behind the Tea Party and all their Minions. Like the fact that Corporate America owns America, and the intellectual giants of the Tea Party someone think that if the Billionaires are spared from paying taxes, eventually they will be too. (Or more ridiculously yet, that when They, the [Tea party] People become million- and billionaires, then they won't have to pay taxes.) Other People (the Liberals, the 'Coloreds' and everybody else but Them) will take care of paying the way for "Loyal Americans." This is the heartless and souless beliefs of the so-called "Legacy" People: i.e. the "Original Americans" meaning White Landowning Gentry.

Yes, the Far Right believes that Everybody Else (but Them) should pay taxes so they don't have too.

So, taking away NPR/PBS is about not funding "frivolous things." Right?

No. it's about trying to make NPR defunct so that the "frivolous" broadband radio and television blocks currently 'misused' by Public Broadcasting can then be bought up and used for 'usefull' purposes: like andditional channels for FOX News and other Right Wing Media Outlets.

It's about castrating investigation into the highjacking of democracy by the Billionaires, deleting any 'unnecessary' investigation of Right Wing activities, and last but not least, "fair and balanc[e]"ing the rest of the news waves for Right Americans.

Hold on to your freedoms, because they are about to be annulled.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Nuclear "Option" in Meltdown Status! Scramm it!

"Nuclear Power! So cheap it won't even be measurable!" screamed the Voice back in the 1950's and 60s'. Along with the (radioactive) nugget: Safer than Coal or Gas!"

With the power plant in Japan breached, lacking electricity to get water into the containment vessels of tow (our of five) reactor cores, this stands as the largest nuclear disaster in history. Larger than both Chernobyl and Three Mile Island. Of course, this was due to the massive earthquake, but it was built on a known (and quite active) fault line, guaranteeing that sooner or later...

And this reactor is not the only reactor in the world built on a fault line. There are several others, including those in California. These are just accidents of monstrous proportion waiting to happen, also sooner rather than later.

Let's return to those thrilling days of yesteryear...

Nuclear power was sold to the American People as both safe and cheap. That spent fuel rods hav e to be kept in water that is costantly filtered and refreshed, wasn't part of the propaganda. Neither was the billions of dollars that went into developing the technology by the US Government, not the Private Industry that would profit from this "cheap" energy source.

And as to the waste byproducts... That was a whole nother prospect.

Not only are the reactor cores in full breach in Japan, but the spent fuel rods 'isolated' in on-site storage tanks are also in danger. If not constantly cooled, they would still have enough fissionable material (in the quantities stored) to start an uncontrolled chain reaction as well.

If the US Governement had spent a mere fraction on the solar and other alternative power possibilities, the cheaper alternatives to Nuclear, Coal and (especially Liquified) Natural Gas, those sources would be online and generating power in the quantities that were once touted for Nuclear. And solar panels don't go critical, either.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Bake Sale for Billionaires

Welcome to those thirlling days of Yesteryear! Where the Rich were Rich because God Blessed them (even though they were cursing the Not Rich). If the rest of the Country is Poor, that just means that they need to pull themselves up by the bootsraps, and get some Gumption, by God!

Now let's take you to to our radio show in progress. (What's that? What's a Radio? You know, those things you listened to before you had the Internet and iPods and Mp3 players, oh my? I know; that's so last Century.)

The Poor:

Let's have a moment of silence here... for the poor Billionaires of This Country. Seems that they don't have enough money in their bank accounts.

I know! Let's have a Bake Sale for Billionaires! They don't seem to have enough money, poor dears. Well, we'll give them even more of Ours! Whaddaya say, Kids? Aw, come on...

Those Poor Billionaires are going to bed hungry.

Yeah. Hungry for more. MONEY, Power. By Gosh, I guess they don't have it all just yet. I guess we'll have to help them out.

The Rich:

Whaddaya mean, we don't have ALL your money yet? That's not enough in my book!

Poor People? We don't have any Poor People in this Great Country of Ours, do we? [pause for brilliant idea here] Oh, you mean the Welfare Cheats?! The Under-Taxed Class. Yes. They should pay their taxes, by Gumption!

What's this? They don't have any jobs? Well, that's not Our Fault, is it? They just need to go out and get a Job. This is America, where everyone should work (so they can continue to pay Our Taxes for Us). Isn't there a McDonalds or Walmart close by for them to work in? That's what we made those jobs for.

What's that, you say? You're saying this isn't funny? Well, how about Wisconsin? The Demoncrats leave the State in order to not rubber-stamp our fully elected Tea Party Guvner's plan to slash and burn the State Budget. That's not fair! They're Criminals, Criminals I tell you! Get those arrest warrants out already and bring them back to do Our Civic Duty! What do they think this is? A Democracy?